8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on Your New Blog

A new blog can be started quickly. You can register a domain and set up the blog with WordPress. Since a blog is primarily about the articles, a standardized layout is sufficient for now. After a short time you can start writing and publish your first contributions.

Especially at the beginning you should take advantage of the motivation boost and be active in order to generate content quickly. Because it is extremely difficult to win over loyal readers. Many bloggers only realize after a few weeks that their expectations were too high and that it may take a while before they can register increasing numbers of visitors. However, if you want to invest time and money, there are 8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on Your New Blog and few steps you can take to accelerate the growth of your blog.

Get known through social media

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

Social media offers a huge number of possibilities if you want to get attention for your project. For example, you can organize a competition in order to achieve a higher reach. However, this assumes that you already have a few readers who are ready to participate in a public-impact manner.

Alternatively, you can team up with other bloggers and carry out joint projects. But that assumes that as a small blogger you already have something to offer in order to make cooperation attractive to other bloggers.

So that users can come without such actions, you should present your blog on social media in such a way that the user gets added value.

Get more reach through Google

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

Especially when it comes to niche topics, Google is a very good way of reaching more users. Search engine optimization also gives small bloggers the chance to get more traffic and to reach the users they actually want to reach. If there is strong competition and you just can’t get past other websites, then you can also think about using ads. With less popular keywords, bloggers can get an ad space on Google for little money and thus reach a large number of people in a short amount of time.

However, it often happens to inexperienced bloggers that they design their campaign the wrong way and waste their budget or at least fail to get the most out of it.

Before that happens, you should contact an AdWords agency and get extensive advice there. Before the start of the first campaign, there are usually a large number of open questions. These can be clarified quickly by a professional. In addition, an AdWords agency can make necessary adjustments over time and ensure that the marketing budget continues to be used optimally.

Content remains important

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

Search engine optimization and social networks can play a huge role in attracting new readers. But that doesn’t change the fact that a good blog also needs high-quality content. Because the new visitors will only become loyal readers if they like the content of the blog. When marketing their blog, bloggers should not lose sight of the fact that the content should always have the highest priority and play an extremely important role.

Keep your website visitors engaged

As a blog owner, your dream would be to have visitors who keep coming back to your blog for products and information.

Online users rarely spend a lot of time on websites when they find certain information. When they take this step they tend to skim an entire piece of content. If they couldn’t find the exact information, they’d be leaving in less than a minute and never looking back.

Online visitors are not simply obsessed with a particular website for free. There must be constant updates to the content and services. What’s more, users need to be able to view a website as a kind of go-to for practical information so that they can get interested and come back time and time again.

If you are a new blogger then, this post is for you. We have put together a few tips on how you can optimize your blog using SEO. You should check them out.

Make sure your website is optimized

8 Best Ways to Get More Readers on your new Blog

No matter how beautiful and content your website is, if it’s not optimized for performance, you can lose traffic. For example, an eCommerce website that isn’t loading quickly or not loading properly. Slow loading pages will drive visitors away from your blog.

Always pay attention to the loading speed of your blog. There are several online tools that can be used to check the speed of your website. Make sure your web images are optimized, your website data is compressed and cache plugins are also used.

Suggest related content to readers to help them stay longer

If a visitor finds useful information on your website, they will leave after reading it. However, you may want to hold on to them for a long time. One way is to suggest content related to what he’s just read so that he doesn’t look for such data on a competitor’s website.

This can be done in two ways, either you use plugins to display popular posts that might grab attention or you show posts that relate to the information they are in the process of absorbing.

Use internal links intelligently

Internal links help readers gain access to other related or reliable content on your website. Correctly implemented internal linking not only keeps visitors on your website for a long time, but is also a central component of effective SEO. Internal linking is one of the best way to drive visitors to explore your website and check out what you are offering.

Add exit-intent pop-ups

So a website visitor found the information they were looking for on your website and now wants to leave it? An intentional pop-up causing the visitor to leave the site can prevent a large part from leaving the site immediately and staying a few minutes longer.

At best, your pop-up should appear when visitors are about to leave the site and should grab their attention through either a discount or a coupon. You can also show interesting content or ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. Whichever route you choose, keep things pleasant by using non-intrusive, easy-to-close pop-ups that indicate the exit.


So there you have it the 8 best ways to get more readers on your new blog. Don’t hesitate to incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

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